Friday, August 5, 2011

Order Of Operations

Hello there, I decided to do Order of Operations today. Only because my little sister is having problems with it. So this is to remind her how when she forgets.

Example Problem: 6 + 7 x 8 - 12
Anyone know the steps to do this problem in? No? That's why you're looking at this? Alright, then I'll explain this one before we get into powers and parentheses. We need to find the value of this problem, but it's not so simple as just doing it from left to right. First we'll need to do any multiplication or division. The only thing with either of those in our example is 7 x 8. 7 times 8 is equal to 56. Let's simplify this into 6 + 56 - 12. The next step is to do any addition in this problem. 6 plus 56 equals 62. Now for our last step, 62 minus 12 is 50! We have now solved this form of Order of Operations!

Example Problem: (4 x 3) + 23 x 4 - 3
Here's the slightly more complicated form of Order of Operations. The first thing we must do is simplify the numbers withing the parentheses. So let's simplify (4 x 3), 4 times 3 equals 12. So our problem is now 12 + 23 x 4 - 3. Now for our second step, 2 to the third power is eight or (2 times 2 (4) times 2). Currently we have 12 + 8 x 4 - 3. Do you remember the first step of our last problem? Yeap, multiplication. 8 times 4, (I like to do it as 16 times 2, since it's the same), 8 times 4 is 32. It is now times for the addition, 12 plus 32 is equal to 44, and the very last step is subtraction. 44 minus 3 is 41!

Well I hope this helps!

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